Received a PhD degree in Physics from Brown University (USA). He is a UPC professor and since 2005 and he is also head of the organic nanostructured photovoltaics group at ICFO. Jordi Martorell mainly focused his research on the experimental study of new optical concepts to shape the properties of photonic materials, a field where he has made several breakthrough contributions. In 2010 Jordi Martorell took a major turn in his research activities and began to focus the core of his research to study fundamental aspects of photonics applied to thin-film photovoltaics. Twelve PhD students graduated under the supervision of Jordi Martorell. The research carried out by the group, during the 2011-2019 period, has been supported by more than 15 competitive funded projects. 

Post-doctoral researcher, has experience in electrochemical and photoelectrochemical energy storage, specifically in the use of metal oxide protective layers and catalysts to implement 1st, 2nd and 3rd generation photovoltaic materials for water splitting. He received his PhD degree from the University of Barcelona, performed at the IREC research institute. He has 7 first-author publications and more than 198 citations. His research activities include the fabrication of photoelectrochemical devices and the study of long-term degradation mechanisms in acidic, alkaline, neutral and saline environments. 

He is a chemical engineer specialized in renewable energies (MSc) and photovoltaics (PhD). He has worked as a process engineer for the industry and as an entrepreneurial scientist focused on transparent photovoltaic applications. In 2021 he joined the Knowledge and Technology Transfer (KTT) unit at ICFO, where he is the project manager of the energy and materials portfolio.

From 2015 to 2019, she worked as a post-doctoral researcher in Biophysics at the German Electron Synchrotron (DESY) in Hamburg, Germany. Since November 2019 she’s part of the Projects Unit at ICFO, where she has been managing FET European coordinated proposals and projects, as for example, the ICFO coordinated Optoelectronics Work Package of the Graphene Flagship, the European Union’s biggest scientific research initiative.

He received a PhD degree in Chemistry from the University of Geneva (Switzerland). He has worked as a Consultant in the field of nanomaterials and as a Programme Manager for a major funder of scientific research. Here, his activities are focussed on the energy and materials portfolios of the institute. These activities include managing the intellectual property portfolio of the institute within these areas, making connections with external organisations in order to help commercialise the institute’s technology, and helping to build potential spin-off activities in the institute’s “Launchpad” incubation facility.

She obtained her PhD in Astrophysics in 2009 and worked as an associate professor in the Dept. of Physics and Nuclear Engineering (ETSEIB) of the UPC. From 2009 to 2013, she was the communications and outreach manager at the Institut d’Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (IEEC). Since 2013, she is the Science Communicator Officer at ICFO. She has obtained a master’s degree in Communication Management in 2018 and is currently, among other tasks, coordinating the communication actions for the Quantum Flagship CSA project as well as several coordinated projects of the institute. 

She holds a BSc in Environmental Biology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, an MSc in Neurosciences from the University of Barcelona, and a postgraduate degree in Science Communication. She started her career as a researcher in evolutionary biology and animal behaviour and has since focused on communicating and disseminating science, covering several fields of research.