Kallio has more than 100 scientific publications on electrolytes and electroactive materials for electrochemical energy conversion with 2500+ citations. Additionally, she has one patent on membrane electrolytes for biofuel cells. Tanja Kallio has recently focused on the development of CRM-free and –lean electrocatalysts for membrane fuel cells and electrolysers as well as materials with low noble metal loading for biofuel oxidation. She has expertise in carbon nanomaterial synthesis and their modification for electrochemical energy applications and as well as their chemical and electrochemical characterization. She is leading the Aalto research group Electrochemical Energy Conversion. She has been PI in Finland in five EU projects including on-going CREATE and ELCOREL projects and in five Academy of Finland and six Business Finland funded projects. She is also a member of the Research Council for Natural Sciences and Engineering (NSE) in the Academy of Finland.