He is the Global R&I Materials Manager at the Centro di Richerche Fiat, where he is also in charge of electrics/electronics and multi-functional materials department. He is the global manager of advanced & aesthetics materials plan, managing the development of novel innovative solutions for different projects including Alfa Romeo, Maserati, FIAT, and JEEP brands. He has international experience in several European projects and he is the inventor of more than 10 industrial patents.

Inna graduated from the Chemistry Department, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia, and later pursued further study with a full scholarship in South Korea at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University. During her previous degrees, she synthesized ceramic and oxide nanoparticles for applications such as solar cells and magnetoelectric devices. Afterward, her interest and experiences in nanomaterials led her to pursue a doctoral degree in Germany. She is currently working and studying in the  Materials Science and Additive Manufacturing department of the University of Wuppertal. Her main role is to scale up the productivity of nickel-iron alloy nanoparticles produced by the laser ablation in liquid.

Dr. Gökce is a full professor and the head of the Materials Science and Additive Manufacturing Department at the University of Wuppertal. With an h-index of 30 at a young age, he has published over 100 articles and has more than 3000 citations. He has won many prestigious awards including the DFG Heisenberg Program Award, Fojtik-Henglein Prize, and the Berthold Leibinger Prize for his work in scaling up the production of nanoparticles using laser technology. He received his degree in Physics from RWTH Aachen University and Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology, Germany in 2008. In 2012, he obtained his doctoral degree in laser physics from North Carolina State University in the US. After working in the industry, he moved backed to academia in 2014 where he was entrusted as a group in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University Duisburg-Essen in Germany. In 2021, he became a full professor at the University of Wuppertal. His research group focuses on the fundamentals of laser synthesis of colloids, synthesis of alloy nanoparticles, and functionalization of laser-generated nanoparticles in additive manufacturing and energy applications.

He currently works in the Advanced Optical Characterization laboratory and the Process Monitoring Unit. His field of expertise covers the development of advanced optical instrumentation as well as optical-based tools compatible with process monitoring applications. He has wide professional experience in optical metrology and simulation through his participation as a project manager and engineer in two industrial (metrology platform for the LSST telescope) and European-financed (SHAPeR) projects. He has co-authored 2 publications and 4 conference contributions.

He works at the Advanced Optical Characterization laboratory and the Process Monitoring Unit as well as in the Synthesis laboratory. His main research activities are centred in the development of optical-based tools, mostly based on Raman/PL methodologies, for quality control and process monitoring applications in chalcogenide PV technologies. In addition, he has a dilated experience in the synthesis of chalcogenide PV technologies, especially onto alternative substrates for advanced applications. He has participated in cooperative projects from European, National and Regional R+D+I programs as well as in two industrial projects. He is co-author of 13 scientific publications (h-index 4).

He coordinates the Advanced Optical Characterization laboratory and the Process Monitoring Unit. His research activities and interests are centred in i) research in the synthesis of novel thin-film PV technologies, ii) optical/structural characterization of innovative thin-film PV technologies, with a special emphasis on the development of methodologies for quality control and process monitoring. In these fields, he has led different kinds of cooperative actions involving a high level of interaction and knowledge transfer between research centres and industries. This includes relevant cooperative projects from European, National and Regional R+D+I programs, as the SCALENANO (FP7), SuperPV (H2020), Solar-Win (H2020), DURACIS (SOLAR-ERA.NET,) or In4CIS (SOLAR-ERA.NET). He is co-author of 2 patents and 142 scientific publications in ISI international journals, with an h-factor of 43, and has supervised 3 doctoral theses, is currently involved in the supervision of 5 theses

His professional interest is focused on the implementation of renewable fuel technologies. He obtained degrees in Chemical and Environmental Engineering in 2009 and he received his PhD in Chemical Engineering focused on catalytic reaction engineering at the University of Barcelona in 2013. He carried out research stays in The Netherlands, Czech Republic and Ecuador. He has experience in several industrial R&D projects within the energy sector. In particular, he worked in renewable gas and synthetic fuel production, anaerobic digestion and biogas upgrading processes at lab/pilot scale. He is the author or of +20 works in international specialized journals. Since 2016, his work is focused on carbon dioxide methanation in a wastewater treatment plant.

He finished his PhD in 2013 by the University of Seville in heterogeneous photocatalysis, after which he joined IREC as a researcher. In this period, he has been dedicated to photocatalytic approaches for selective oxidation of methane to methanol and photo-reforming, and to (photo)electrochemical H2 generation, and more recently to alternative routes for synthetic fuels generation from CO2 and N2 electro-reduction. In line with this, he also has experience in thin film deposition technologies and electrochemistry, including several topics related to energy storage, such as redox flow batteries. Likewise, he has co-authored more than 30 publications (h-index 17), and currently co-supervises three doctoral theses. Between 2016-2018, he earned a Juan de la Cierva – Formación grant, and between 2018-2020, he held a TECNIOspring PLUS fellowship (Generalitat de Catalunya-H2020 MSCA), under which he carried out one-year postdoctoral research stay at Politecnico di Torino for developing a joint project (AnoDHygen) in water splitting.

Researcher at Energy Storage group obtained her PhD in Material Science from Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC and UAB) in 2014. The main research topics were the synthesis of new hybrid materials, electrochemistry and electrode applications. Currently, and since 2015 she is a researcher in the Institut de Reserca en Energia de Catalunya (IREC), involved in an industrial project related to photoelectrocatalysis (water splitting and artificial photosynthesis). Her main research interests are catalyst synthesis and characterization, and optimization of photoelectrochemical setups. She has authored or co-authored 12 articles with more than 200 cites up to now in refereed international journals, 2 patents and more than 18 conference contributions (H-index 7).

Full professor of the Faculty of Physics of the University of Barcelona. Since 2009 he has been the director of the advanced materials for energy area of the Energy Research Institute of Catalonia, IREC, and since the end of 2015, he has been appointed as director of this public research institute. Previously he has been Vice Dean and Dean of the Faculty of Physics of the University of Barcelona, director of the Department of Electronics of this university, head of studies in Electronic Engineering and co-coordinator of the interuniversity master between the University of Barcelona and the Polytechnic University of Catalonia of the master on Engineering in Energy. Initially, his activities were devoted to electronic materials, electronic devices and electronic enginery. Currently, he is now focused on the introduction of renewable energy and the environmental impact of energy. Likewise, he is specialized in energy conversion processes at the nanoscale and he is focused on the use of these processes for energy storage and the production of solar, synthetic fuels and added-value chemicals for the replacement of fossil sources. Likewise, he is involved in the deployment of electric mobility based on batteries or on hydrogen as well as in smart energy networks for sustainable cities and societies.

He has co-authored more than 600 publications, without proceedings and books, with more than 30.000 citations (h=91) according to GS database. He has 24 patents, has been advisor of 53 doctoral theses, has participated/coordinated numerous projects in different international and industrial programs (> 55). He has organized various international technological scientific conferences in the field of sensors/microsystems and energy and has been distinguished with the medal Narcís Monturiol of the Generalitat de Catalunya. He has also served as vice president of the European Materials Society and has also been editor-in-chief of the Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics.