ICFO – The Institute of Photonic Sciences was founded in 2002 by the Government of Catalonia and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, both of which are members of its board of trustees along with the Cellex and Mir-Puig Foundations, philanthropic entities that have played a critical role in the advancement of the institute. Located in the Mediterranean Technology Park in the metropolitan area of Barcelona, the institute currently hosts 400 people, organized in 26 research groups in 60 state-of-the-art research laboratories. Research lines encompass diverse areas in which photonics plays a decisive role, with an emphasis on basic and applied themes relevant to medicine and biology, advanced imaging techniques, information technologies, a range of environmental sensors, tunable and ultra-fast lasers, quantum science and technologies, photovoltaics and the properties and applications of nano- and quantum materials such as graphene, among others. In addition to two consecutive accreditations of the Severo Ochoa national program for research excellence, ICFOnians have been awarded 15 elite ICREA Professorships and 35 European Research Council grants. ICFO participates actively in the European Technological Platform Photonics21 and is very proactive in fostering entrepreneurial activities, spin-off creation, and creating collaborations and links between industry and ICFO researchers. To date, ICFO has helped create 8 start-up companies.
He received a PhD degree in Physics from Brown University (USA). He is a UPC professor and since 2005 he is also the Head of the organic nanostructured photovoltaics group at ICFO. Prof. Martorell focused his research on the experimental study of new optical concepts to shape the properties of photonic materials, a field where he has made several breakthrough contributions. In 2010 Jordi Martorell took a major turn in his research activities and began to focus the core of his research to study fundamental aspects of photonics applied to thin-film photovoltaics. Twelve PhD students graduated under the supervision of Jordi Martorell. The research carried out by the group, during the 2011-2019 period, has been supported by more than 15 competitive funded projects.
Post-doctoral researcher, has experience in electrochemical and photoelectrochemical energy storage, specifically in the use of metal oxide protective layers and catalysts to implement 1st, 2nd and 3rd generation photovoltaic materials for water splitting. He received his PhD degree from the University of Barcelona, performed at the IREC research institute. He has 7 first-author publications and more than 198 citations. His research activities include the fabrication of photoelectrochemical devices and the study of long-term degradation mechanisms in acidic, alkaline, neutral and saline environments.
He is a chemical engineer specialising in renewable energies (MSc) and photovoltaics (PhD). He has worked as a process engineer for the industry and as an entrepreneurial scientist focused on transparent photovoltaic applications. In 2021 he joined the Knowledge and Technology Transfer (KTT) unit at ICFO, where he is the project manager of the energy and materials portfolio.
From 2015 to 2019, she worked as a post-doctoral researcher in Biophysics at the German Electron Synchrotron (DESY) in Hamburg, Germany. Since November 2019 she’s been part of the Projects Unit at ICFO, where she has been managing FET European coordinated proposals and projects, for example, the ICFO coordinated Optoelectronics Work Package of the Graphene Flagship, the European Union’s biggest scientific research initiative.
She obtained her PhD in Astrophysics in 2009 and worked as an associate professor in the Dept. of Physics and Nuclear Engineering (ETSEIB) of the UPC. From 2009 to 2013, she was the communications and outreach manager at the Institut d’Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (IEEC). Since 2013, she is the Science Communicator Officer at ICFO. She has obtained a master’s degree in Communication Management in 2018 and is currently, among other tasks, coordinating the communication actions for the Quantum Flagship CSA project as well as several coordinated projects of the institute.
She holds a BSc in Environmental Biology, an MSc in Neurosciences and a postgraduate degree in Science Communication. She started her career as a researcher in evolutionary biology and has since focused on communicating and disseminating science, gaining experience in several areas of knowledge. She joined ICFO in 2020, as a science communication officer for European Projects.
He obtained his master's degree in Materials Science and Engineering from the University of the Philippines Diliman in 2020, studying plasma polymerization and electrochromic devices, and also held administrative and academic positions at the Ateneo de Manila University from 2016 to 2021. He joined the Organic Nanostructured Photovoltaics Group in 2021, working on the hydrogenation and dehydrogenation of graphene oxide.
He obtained his master's degree in optics, where he studied theoretical optimization, laboratory fabrication and characterization, light stability, and direct sunlight measurements of semitransparent solar cells. He joined the Organic Nanostructured Photovoltaics Group at ICFO in 2019 as a PhD student, working in the development of high-performance organic solar cells, through non-conventional methods such as multiple exciton generation and tandem strategies.
GRAPHENEA is the first European CVD graphene producer that manufactures and supplies high-quality graphene materials to leading companies and research laboratories worldwide. GRAPHENEA is an SME established in 2010 as a joint venture between private investors and the Nanoscience Cooperative Research Centre, nanoGUNE Consolider (CIC nanoGUNE). In 2013, it received significant private investment and became fully independent of nanoGUNE. Graphenea is physically based in the Miramon Technological Park. In addition, it has 24 30 full-time employees. Dr Amaia Zurutuza, as scientific director, leads the research team and has broad experience not only at a scientific and technological level but also in managing the participation of the company in several national and international projects, where she is the PI responsible for such participation.
GRAPHENEA’s focus is to develop the graphene industry in order to add value to the nanomaterials industry. Furthermore, it has extensive expertise in the synthesis, characterisation and manipulation of high-quality monolayer graphene films. In addition, the company specialises in the synthesis of graphene oxide (GO) and reduced graphene oxide (rGO) and has broad experience in the dispersion, functionalisation and handling of graphene flakes.
She currently supervises ten R&D scientists. During her time in GRAPHENEA (April 2010 - present) she has so far filed for twelve patents and obtained publications in Nature and Science. Previously, she worked in Ferring Pharmaceuticals (Scotland) for six years in the research and development of new controlled drug delivery systems. Her contribution to controlled therapeutics led to the granting of three patents in novel biodegradable and biostable polymers for controlling drug delivery. She obtained her PhD from the University of Strathclyde, UK and has worked as a postdoctoral research scientist on two European projects.
She obtained her PhD in Polymer nanocomposites from Manchester Metropolitan University (UK) in 2005. After completing her PhD, she joined AIMPLAS (Plastic Research Institute, Spain) where she has worked as a senior researcher in the field of nanomaterials, polymer nanocomposites and polymer functionalization for more than 10 years. In November 2015 she joined GRAPHENEA as a Scientific Researcher where she is developing new graphene-related materials. She has wide experience as a Project manager in national and EU projects.
PhD in Organic Chemistry from the University of the Basque Country in 2011. During her PhD, she focused on the research of the asymmetric synthesis of organic molecules by the use of both chiral auxiliaries and organocatalysts. During this period, she did a three-month stay at the University of Oxford working on the development of new asymmetric synthetic routes. After completing her PhD, she joined GRAPHENEA in September 2011 as Research Scientist.
Aalto University is a foundation-based university. It was founded in 2010 when Helsinki University of Technology (founded in 1849), the Helsinki School of Economics and the University of Art and Design Helsinki were merged together. Aalto University is a multidisciplinary university where science and art meet technology and business. The School of Chemical Engineering at AALTO, where Prof. Kallio’s group is contributing, combines natural sciences and engineering in a unique way. This allows the results of our research to be refined a long way and put into practice as ready products and processes. Each innovation secures both our renewable and non-renewable natural resources for the future. The School provides education for a wide range of responsible future professionals. M.Sc. and D.Sc. graduates in technology work in diverse positions in Finland’s largest industrial sectors, in the metal and electronics industry, wood processing industries as well as chemical, pharmaceutical, biotechnology and food industries. The research and teaching are supported by an extensive international academic and industrial cooperation network.
Kallio has more than 100 scientific publications on electrolytes and electroactive materials for electrochemical energy conversion with 2500+ citations. Additionally, she has one patent on membrane electrolytes for biofuel cells. Tanja Kallio has recently focused on the development of CRM-free and –lean electrocatalysts for membrane fuel cells and electrolysers as well as materials with low noble metal loading for biofuel oxidation. She has expertise in carbon nanomaterial synthesis and their modification for electrochemical energy applications and as well as their chemical and electrochemical characterization. She is leading the Aalto research group Electrochemical Energy Conversion. She has been PI in Finland in five EU projects including on-going CREATE and ELCOREL projects and in five Academy of Finland and six Business Finland funded projects. She is also a member of the Research Council for Natural Sciences and Engineering (NSE) in the Academy of Finland.
He graduated from the Department of Chemistry, Ocean University of China in 2017. Then, In the summer of 2017, he joined Associate Professor Hong's team to work on two-dimensional nanomaterials and obtained a master’s degree from the Department of Applied Chemistry, University of Science and Technology of China in 2020. During his undergraduate degree, his research topic is ‘Diffusion and Doping Behavior of Noble Metal Atoms in Nanomaterials’. He has synthesized PtNi nanowires and AuAg nanoparticles for applications such as oxygen reduction reaction and water splitting. Three years of research experience stimulated his interest in exploring the field of energy conversion and strengthened his belief in continuing to study. He is currently working as a PhD candidate in the electrochemical energy conversion and storage group, Department of Chemistry and Materials Science, Aalto University. His main work is the establishment of strong interaction between nanoparticles with anode material and the characterization of the prepared electrodes.
The Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC) is a public-funded institution of approximately 120 people created in 2008 based in Barcelona and Tarragona that conducts research and promotes innovation over a wide range of energy-related science and technology fields. IREC contributes to sustainability via the development of new technological solutions, the promotion of scientific and technological know-how related to energy and its efficient use, as well as the transfer of solutions and expertise to market actors. Activities include national and international projects as well as direct cooperation with leading industrial partners. IREC has published more than 500 peer-reviewed papers, holds more than 30 patents and has supported the creation of 2 spin-off companies. IREC counts with state-of-the-art experimental laboratory facilities for evaluating and improving the performance of emerging energy technologies and building thermal/electrical components under realistic dynamic conditions. IREC is organized into two Departments: i) Advanced Materials for Energy and ii) Energy Efficiency. The Advanced Materials department is structured in 4 groups, namely: i) Functional Nanomaterials; ii) Solar Energy Materials and Systems; iii) Energy Storage, Harvesting and Catalysis and iv) Nanoionics and Fuel Cells. The Energy Efficiency department is structured in 3 subgroups, namely: i) Thermal energy and building performance, ii) Power Systems, iii) Energy Systems Analytics.
Full professor of the Faculty of Physics of the University of Barcelona. Since 2009 he has been the director of the advanced materials for energy area of the Energy Research Institute of Catalonia, IREC, and since the end of 2015, he has been appointed as director of this public research institute. Previously he has been Vice Dean and Dean of the Faculty of Physics of the University of Barcelona, director of the Department of Electronics of this university, head of studies in Electronic Engineering and co-coordinator of the interuniversity master's between the University of Barcelona and the Polytechnic University of Catalonia of the master on Engineering in Energy. Initially, his activities were devoted to electronic materials, electronic devices and electronic engineering. Currently, he is now focused on the introduction of renewable energy and the environmental impact of energy. Likewise, he is specialized in energy conversion processes at the nanoscale and he is focused on the use of these processes for energy storage and the production of solar, synthetic fuels and added-value chemicals for the replacement of fossil sources. He is also involved in the deployment of electric mobility based on batteries or on hydrogen as well as in smart energy networks for sustainable cities and societies.
Researcher at Energy Storage group obtained her PhD in Material Science from Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC and UAB) in 2014. The main research topics were the synthesis of new hybrid materials, electrochemistry and electrode applications. Currently, and since 2015 she is a researcher in the Institut de Reserca en Energia de Catalunya (IREC), involved in an industrial project related to photoelectrocatalysis (water splitting and artificial photosynthesis). Her main research interests are catalyst synthesis and characterization, and optimization of photoelectrochemical setups. She has authored or co-authored 12 articles with more than 200 cites up to now in refereed international journals, 2 patents and more than 18 conference contributions (H-index 7).
He finished his PhD in 2013 by the University of Seville in heterogeneous photocatalysis, after which he joined IREC as a researcher. In this period, he has been dedicated to photocatalytic approaches for selective oxidation of methane to methanol and photo-reforming, and to (photo)electrochemical H2 generation, and more recently to alternative routes for synthetic fuels generation from CO2 and N2 electro-reduction. In line with this, he also has experience in thin film deposition technologies and electrochemistry, including several topics related to energy storage, such as redox flow batteries. Likewise, he has co-authored more than 30 publications (h-index 17), and currently co-supervises three doctoral theses. Between 2016-2018, he earned a Juan de la Cierva – Formación grant, and between 2018-2020, he held a TECNIOspring PLUS fellowship (Generalitat de Catalunya-H2020 MSCA), under which he carried out one-year postdoctoral research stay at Politecnico di Torino for developing a joint project (AnoDHygen) in water splitting.
His professional interest is focused on the implementation of renewable fuel technologies. He obtained degrees in Chemical and Environmental Engineering in 2009 and he received his PhD in Chemical Engineering focused on catalytic reaction engineering at the University of Barcelona in 2013. He carried out research stays in The Netherlands, Czech Republic and Ecuador. He has experience in several industrial R&D projects within the energy sector. In particular, he worked in renewable gas and synthetic fuel production, anaerobic digestion and biogas upgrading processes at lab/pilot scale. He is the author or of +20 works in international specialized journals. Since 2016, his work is focused on carbon dioxide methanation in a wastewater treatment plant.
He coordinates the Advanced Optical Characterization laboratory and the Process Monitoring Unit. His research activities and interests are centred in i) research in the synthesis of novel thin-film PV technologies, ii) optical/structural characterization of innovative thin-film PV technologies, with a special emphasis on the development of methodologies for quality control and process monitoring. In these fields, he has led different kinds of cooperative actions involving a high level of interaction and knowledge transfer between research centres and industries. This includes relevant cooperative projects from European, National and Regional R+D+I programs, as the SCALENANO (FP7), SuperPV (H2020), Solar-Win (H2020), DURACIS (SOLAR-ERA.NET,) or In4CIS (SOLAR-ERA.NET). He is co-author of 2 patents and 142 scientific publications in ISI international journals, with an h-factor of 43, and has supervised 3 doctoral theses, is currently involved in the supervision of 5 theses
He works at the Advanced Optical Characterization laboratory and the Process Monitoring Unit as well as in the Synthesis laboratory. His main research activities are centred in the development of optical-based tools, mostly based on Raman/PL methodologies, for quality control and process monitoring applications in chalcogenide PV technologies. In addition, he has a dilated experience in the synthesis of chalcogenide PV technologies, especially onto alternative substrates for advanced applications. He has participated in cooperative projects from European, National and Regional R+D+I programs as well as in two industrial projects. He is co-author of 13 scientific publications (h-index 4).
He currently works in the Advanced Optical Characterization laboratory and the Process Monitoring Unit. His field of expertise covers the development of advanced optical instrumentation as well as optical-based tools compatible with process monitoring applications. He has wide professional experience in optical metrology and simulation through his participation as a project manager and engineer in two industrial (metrology platform for the LSST telescope) and European-financed (SHAPeR) projects. He has co-authored 2 publications and 4 conference contributions.
Hysytech srl (HST) is a Chemical Engineering company established in 2003, in Torino, Italy. Today is a pioneer company in the field of process engineering and in the design and construction of turn-key plants for fuel chemical processing, energy production and environmental treatment, being a core technology developer for reformers, fuel cells, electrolysers and BOP components, service supplier in research, engineering, production and stationary&dynamic application level; supplier of components, chemical reactors, pilot plants, special equipment and prototypes. HST provides specialized engineering solutions and services on chemical processing, energy, power generation and environmental treatment. Thanks to several years’ experience of its engineers as European researchers, HST sets its activity on technological transfer from university to industries, producing day by day R&D for industrial customers and research centres. Each member of staff has specific professional skills built-up from direct experience in the field that makes HST a polyvalent and flexible resource. HST’s strength lies in the capability of developing non “off-the-shelf” solutions for the customer’s demanding needs.
A Chemical Engineer from the Universidad Central de Venezuela, with a double Degree with the Politecnico di Torino. He obtained his PhD in Chemical Engineering at Politecnico di Torino, where he worked on the synthesis of CaCO3 nanoparticles from CO2 in the framework of the Recode project (h2020 project) and was also involved in other research projects. He is part of the R&D team of Hysytech, where he is an R&D specialist and process engineer and is involved in several EU funded projects.
He graduated in Chemical Engineering at Politecnico di Torino, in Italy, where he is currently an Industrial Consultant. He is CEO/President and co-founder of Hysytech SRL since 2003. Antonini has previous work experience as a Production Manager in ContechAges (Continental Group) and as a Researcher at the Chemical engineering and Material Science Department of Politecnico di Torino. He is the author of a European patent (2004) on a method to build PEM fuel cell components via plasma treatment and co-author of three PCT patents on hydrocarbons reforming and fuel processing. He has been scientifically involved in several EU projects.
Chemical Engineering at Politecnico di Torino where he has been a consultant in chemical process engineering and lab test management for 7 years. He is an active partner of Hysytech SRL since 2004, leading the engineering purchase department and is co-author of three PCT patent pending on hydrocarbons reforming and fuel processing. He has been scientific and administrative involvement in several EU projects.
He graduated in Chemical and sustainable processes engineering at Politecnico di Torino. He received his PhD in Chemical Engineering from Politecnico di Torino in 2020 with the subject Catalytic processes for CO2 conversion into Synthetic Methane. At Hysytech he is mainly focused on research projects where he contributes both scientifically and as a process engineer. He has been scientifically involved in several EU projects.
Centro Ricerche FIAT (CRF) is an industrial research organization having the mission to promote, develop and transfer innovation for providing competitiveness to the FCA group. With a full-time workforce of more than 850 highly trained professionals, CRF fulfils its task by focusing on the development of innovative products, implementation of innovative processes development of new methodologies and training of human resources. To properly cover a very wide technological spectrum, CRF has developed a global network with national and international institutes, private and public research organizations, universities and companies, through the promotion of common research activities, associations, conferences and seminars, and researchers’ mobility. The team involved in the project comprises people working in the Group Materials Labs Business Unit, specialized in the modelling and characterization of materials.
MSc in Physics at the University of Torino. Since 1994 she is working in CRF as a specialist in material science and engineering-related topics: automotive catalysts, and batteries. She has been involved in several research activities from the lab-scale characterization of materials to modelling and is responsible for CRF activities in EU-funded projects. She is currently Senior Researcher in CRF, dealing with the study and characterization of batteries materials and is active in several H-2020 and H-Europe projects.
He is the Global R&I Materials Manager at the Centro di Richerche Fiat, where he is also in charge of electrics/electronics and multi-functional materials department. He is the global manager of advanced & aesthetics materials plan, managing the development of novel innovative solutions for different projects including Alfa Romeo, Maserati, FIAT, and JEEP brands. He has international experience in several European projects and he is the inventor of more than 10 industrial patents.
GENCELL was established in Israel in 2011. The company acquired R&D, manufacturing knowledge, and equipment from two leading alkaline fuel cell (AFC) companies: Intensys (Belgium) and More Energy, Ltd. (Israel), combining these assets with the experience of worldwide leading experts in AFC technology. Today, the company manufactures AFC based on proprietary technology with a rated power output of 5kW. GENCELL’s facility includes 3000 sq. m. of offices, R&D, QA/QC facilities, and a manufacturing area. The facility includes a catalyst lab, electrochemical testing laboratories and mechanical workshops. All electrodes, FCMs and ECGs are manufactured and assembled on the premises. In addition, all sensitive analytical and physicochemical studies and incoming quality control are performed in-house. In LESGO, two departments of GENCELL will be R&D and Engineering. R&D will lead the project from the GENCELL side, perform testing and analyses; Engineering will be involved in technical requirement definition and design of upgraded testing stations.
Senior Electrochemist at the R&D Department holds a PhD in electrochemistry from the Saratov State University. He is an experienced scientist and electrochemist, playing a leading role in new tests development and improvement of the existing ones. He has over 20 years’ experience in fuel cell material balance, thermal and mass transfer computer simulation modelling and different kinds of electrochemical test development.
CTO/VP R&D and one of GenCell’s co-founders received his MSc. in Power Engineering from the Leningrad Technological Institute. He is the inventor of More Energy’s Direct Borohydride Fuel Cell technology and was the driving force behind the research, development, design and production of the world’s first portable commercial fuel cell. He has significant international business exposure and experience, working on development projects with numerous global companies.
He holds M.S. in Electro-Mechanical Engineering and Electronic Components Technology of Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation Leonid worked 10 years at Hewlett-Packard, Indigo B.V. as Automation Project Manager, 5 years at More Energy, where he managed multitasking projects utilizing both in-house and external, including international resources staring from product development up to product manufacturing. During working at Vishay, Leonid he led projects for tantalum capacitors and capacitors manufacturing
Chemist at the R&D Department holds an MSc in chemistry and technology of rubber production from the Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies. She has 16 years’ experience in fuel cell and electrodes for alkaline fuel cell, with knowledge of the operation of various types of electrochemical measurement tools such as Arbin and Maccor. She has previous experience in product validation related to direct borohydride fuel cell.
She holds as MSc. in Chemistry from the Saratov State University. She leads GenCell’s research and development programs, including platinum-free and non-noble catalyst for alkaline fuel cell and catalyst for ammonia cracking and new testing development as well. She has 20years of alkaline fuel cell (AFC) experience, building and managing multifunctional international R&D and manufacturing teams.
Senior Electrochemist at the R&D Department, taking part in GenCell’s innovative projects Holds a PhD in electrochemistry from Bar Ilan University, in Israel in the subject of Li-ion batteries for electric vehicle applications. She has three years of post-doctoral experience in fuel cells working with Prof. Elbaz Ronit has experience in both PEMFC as well as AFC and has knowledge in many types of electrochemical techniques such as RDE, EIS etc. as well as in analytical tools such as RDE, EIS etc.
Senior Electrochemist at the R&D Department, holds a PhD from the Chemistry Faculty of the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel. He has experience in the field of fuel cells, especially in developing electrocatalyst for hydrogen oxidation reaction (HOR)and oxygen reduction reactions (ORR) in alkaline conditions. Yair developed and operates standard and non-standard half-cells (HC) and fuel cells for R&D purposes.
The Nanoscience Institute (NANO) of Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerce (CNR) is devoted to multidisciplinary research in nano-materials and nano-bio-sciences, with applications in several fields such as advanced nano-optoelectronics, clean energy, nano-medicine. The research group involved in LESGO, “multi-scale modelling and simulations” NANO-CNR (Pisa), has long-standing expertise in multi-scale modelling of both materials and biomolecular systems. The methods used by the group encompass Density Functional Theory, atomistic empirical approaches and the development of low-resolution models, used in combination with standard molecular dynamics, stochastic or other advanced sampling techniques. For the tasks of models’ development and parameters optimization, materials design and optimization problems in general, the group has acquired experience in genetic algorithms and neural networks and machine learning. The group has access to local clusters with a parallelization level of ~hundreds of nodes (thousands of cores), while for the large-scale simulations it relies on national or European high-performance computing facilities (accessed via grants). The group members are experts in the use of the more popular software packages for modelling and simulation (QE, CPMD, CP2K, GAMESS, Gaussian, GROMACS, Amber, DL_POLY, LAMMPS) and produce its own algorithms and software for model building, data mining, problem-solving, data analysis and elaboration. These are freely distributed by means of public web sites and interfaces.
Senior Scientist at NANO-CNR since 2010; previously research scientist since 2000 and Post-Doc Fellow in 1997-2000. She holds a PhD in Physics-Condensed matter (1997) and an MSc Physics (1993) obtained at the Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa) and University of Pisa. Visiting scholar at the University of California, San Diego, Dept of Chemistry in 2003-2004 and at the University of Nijmegen, Dept of Physics, in 1999-2000. Expert in multi-scale modelling (DFT, classical molecular dynamics, Coarse-Grained models) and design of advanced materials and bio-molecular systems. Habilitated as Full Professor of Condensed Matter and Applied Physics, adjunct professor of Biophysics, Numerical Methods for Physics and Structure of Matter at the Physics Dept, University of Pisa, VT is author of >100 publications (h=32, GS).
Scientist at NANO-CNR since 2017. PhD in Chemistry (2006) at the University of Florence. Specialised in classical and ab-initio Molecular Dynamics simulations (, GROMACS, NAMD, LAMMPS, Quantum Espresso and CP2K) of biological and organic/inorganic systems. Expert in material/molecular modelling and in the use of advanced sampling techniques ( Metadynamics, Temperature/Hamiltonian Replica Exchange MD,, Nudge Elastic Band and Dimer Method) to study rare events (e.g., chemical reactions) and extensive conformational sampling of complex molecular systems. Expert in programming and High-Performance Computing (HPC). LB is author of > 30 publications (h=16, GS).
The Danish Board of Technology (DBT) is an independent, non-profit, common good, corporative foundation, committed to technology assessment, foresight, knowledge-based decision making, parliamentary advisory activities on science, technology and innovation, collaborative democracy and methodological research. Its mission is to ensure that the development of society is shaped by informed and forward-looking cooperation between citizens, experts, stakeholders, and decision-makers.
DBT works with a local, regional, national, as well as international perspective, being specialized in interactive methodologies, involving trans-disciplinary research, stakeholder involvement, citizen participation, political deliberation and advice, and public communication. Especially in the domain of stakeholder and citizen consultation, connected to policy analysis and advice and research and innovation, DBT aims at being at the forefront of praxis. The DBT is formed by a board of seven members, a council and a secretariat of 25 people. The secretariat consists of academic project managers within a widespread area of competence, office workers, and student associates.
MSc in Socio-economics and environmental planning. Project manager and researcher at DBT. He has experience with applied and problem-oriented research and stakeholder involvement processes. He has previously worked with the systemic energy transition, circular economy in the bioeconomy as well as climate change adaptation, including methodologies such as energy system modelling, Life Cycle Approach and EROIE. He is currently involved in two Horizon 2020 projects - the Human Brain Project in which he is involved in stakeholder and citizen consultations and RECIPES on reconciling science, innovation and precaution through the engagement of stakeholders.
He holds an MA in Bioethics and is currently pursuing a PhD in Empirical Ethics at the University of Copenhagen. His research has focused on how empirical information, including stakeholder and citizen views, can provide practical guidance and shape decisions about the development and implementation of new technologies in society. He works with stakeholders and citizen engagement on the LESGO project to provide insight into the innovation ecosystem and the values and presumptions of European citizens.
Gy Larsen holds an MA in Technology and Social Science and is a Senior Project Manager at DBT. She has extensive experience with public engagement, especially with the scenario -perspective - and future workshop methods, citizens summits and expert working groups, Future Panels and Parliamentarian Hearings. She has coordinated projects with the technology assessment office of the EU Parliament STOA. In recent years, she has led projects on local climate change adaption, the transition to a circular economy and prioritizing the future land use in Denmark and retirement and the working environment.
Technical expert and project manager at DBT, he is a biochemical engineer with a M.Sc. from the Technical University of Denmark and a PhD from the University of Copenhagen. He is an expert in the field of biomass conversion processes to produce fuels and chemicals and the development of the bioeconomy. He has experience with scaling up and piloting biomass conversion processes and in energy systems analysis, especially with regard to renewable liquid fuels and processes.
The University of Wuppertal, founded in 1972, is one of the state universities in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), which is economically the most significant German state with an outstanding educational and cultural landscape. Approximately 23.000 students from more than 100 countries benefit from the high-level academic approaches in teaching and the university’s commitment to research and international collaboration. Wuppertal University with among 260 professors, some 3330 other academic and non-academic staff, 39 research institutes, and 280 laboratories offers a diverse range of programs in science, engineering economics, and the humanities, as well as educational science, design, and architecture. One of four priority research areas of the University of Wuppertal is the area entitled “Materials.Inspire.Systems”. The focus of this research area is on materials research as the starting point for fundamental technological changes such as novel energy conversion systems. Prof. Gökce and his research group were strategically appointed to be part of this research area closely related to the LESGO-topic.
Dr. Gökce is a full professor and the head of the Materials Science and Additive Manufacturing Department at the University of Wuppertal. With an h-index of 30 at a young age, he has published over 100 articles and has more than 3000 citations. He has won many prestigious awards including the DFG Heisenberg Program Award, Fojtik-Henglein Prize, and the Berthold Leibinger Prize for his work in scaling up the production of nanoparticles using laser technology. He received his degree in Physics from RWTH Aachen University and Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology, Germany in 2008. In 2012, he obtained his doctoral degree in laser physics from North Carolina State University in the US. After working in the industry, he moved backed to academia in 2014 where he was entrusted as a group in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University Duisburg-Essen in Germany. In 2021, he became a full professor at the University of Wuppertal. His research group focuses on the fundamentals of laser synthesis of colloids, synthesis of alloy nanoparticles, and functionalization of laser-generated nanoparticles in additive manufacturing and energy applications.
Inna graduated from the Chemistry Department, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia, and later pursued further study with a full scholarship in South Korea at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University. During her previous degrees, she synthesized ceramic and oxide nanoparticles for applications such as solar cells and magnetoelectric devices. Afterward, her interest and experiences in nanomaterials led her to pursue a doctoral degree in Germany. She is currently working and studying in the Materials Science and Additive Manufacturing department of the University of Wuppertal. Her main role is to scale up the productivity of nickel-iron alloy nanoparticles produced by the laser ablation in liquid.
LESGO’s consortium has been structured to bring together a highly interdisciplinary community that will enable the emergence of an ecosystem around a circular economy relying on the use of widely available raw materials, storing energy in chemical bonds, using it in applications that require electrical power, and finally recovering the materials for a second or multiple lives.
Industrial – GRAPHENEA, HST, GENCELL, CRF -, academic – UDE, AALTO – and research centres – IREC, ICFO – are completely interwoven throughout the entire implementation of LESGO.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 952068.
H2020-FETPROACT-2019-2020 / H2020-EIC-FETPROACT-2019