On the border between biological and artificial intelligence
Supported by LESGO, the event will focus on some of the fundamental questions related to artificial intelligence in our society: in what sense are these algorithms “intelligent”? How could we define criteria for attributing a “conscience” to machines and rights and responsibilities?
It is organized by the Interdisciplinary Group on Science, Technology and Society (GI-STS) of the Pisa Research Area and coordinated by Valentina Tozzini LESGO researcher at CNR NANO.
Link to the online streaming (in Italian): https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83659242828?pwd=QnBlK1NkZkVQQ2NYcVZWNy9KeGdqUT09
More information: http://gists.pi.cnr.it/Events/2023_09_20_Pisa/2023_09_20_Pisa_main.html