Victor Izquierdo-Roca

He coordinates the Advanced Optical Characterization laboratory and the Process Monitoring Unit. His research activities and interests are centred in i) research in the synthesis of novel thin-film PV technologies, ii) optical/structural characterization of innovative thin-film PV technologies, with a special emphasis on the development of methodologies for quality control and process monitoring. In these fields, he has led different kinds of cooperative actions involving a high level of interaction and knowledge transfer between research centres and industries. This includes relevant cooperative projects from European, National and Regional R+D+I programs, as the SCALENANO (FP7), SuperPV (H2020), Solar-Win (H2020), DURACIS (SOLAR-ERA.NET,) or In4CIS (SOLAR-ERA.NET). He is co-author of 2 patents and 142 scientific publications in ISI international journals, with an h-factor of 43, and has supervised 3 doctoral theses, is currently involved in the supervision of 5 theses